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Refinancing Your Home

Refinancing your home could be a great financial move. Our mortgage lenders will help you find the best option to suit your needs!

You may be in the market for a mortgage refinance if you want to:

  • Lower your monthly payments.
  • Consolidate other debt.
  • Pay off your home faster.
  • Get cash from your home.

We offer home loans up to 30-year fixed. To inquire further about refinancing your home with us, give us a call at (989) 893-2831 or email us at Our mortgage lenders can answer any questions with no obligations or help you get started on your new mortgage.

Click below for our guide on what items are needed during the application process.

You can also use the built-up equity in your home to pay for a variety of projects with a home equity loan.

Flood insurance is a legal requirement and not an internal policy. Flood plain maps are developed by the government that determines if a specific property is in a flood plain. The insurance protects the lender in the event of a natural disaster. The homeowners who choose to live on or near water are assessed the added risk rather than all homeowners. A flood certification will be obtained on all mortgages through an independent agency to determine if flood insurance is required. This would not replace homeowners insurance.

Our closing costs are minimal and usually can be financed within our loan to value lending parameters.